Butt Kickin' BC

July 1 - 9: Butt Kickin' BC

July 1, 2017 - What better way to celebrate Canada's sesquicentennial than starting a bike ride up and down and across our beautiful country? Here we go again... I left the marvelous company of my Bowen Island buddies, and hit the road. I cycled through territory familiar by car but new to my two wheels. It was a great ride! Sun shining, mountains looming, legs fresh(ish). Quick stops in Squammy and Whis to enjoy the festivities before finishing 37kms and rolling up to @reganeberding and his bus in Pemberton for one last indoorish sleep. Happy Canada Day!!

July 2, 2017 - After a leisurely departure from the bus, I enjoyed an extended break at Mount Currie Coffee Co, got on the bike, and promptly regretted my leisurely start. It was hot and there was a hill. A 16km long >1000 m slog straight up outta Pemberton Valley to the Duffy. A road I've driven many times, and have always been amazed at the cyclists on it - cyclists with light carbon bikes, not loaded with 4 days of food and extra water. I have never been so happy to see Joffre Lakes and dunk my feet, head, hat and helmet in the cold water. The rest of the day was filled with more climbing, and more glorious descents through to Lillooet. The mountains here are unfamiliar to me - much more interiorish and rocky... time to start carrying more water :(. In Lillooet, I met another cycle tourer just finishing his trip, and we enjoyed dinner and root beer floats. I headed out again, but my tired legs didn't take me far - just to a warm shower, aka the grass behind the general store at Fountain Flats. With a 5% chance of rain, I set up under the stars, and made the mistake of putting my shoes upwind of me... too sleepy to care. Already both today and yesterday have been more elevation and less distance than any of my west coast bike trip days. Today's 137 kms included 2635 m of elevation gain - ouch! Here's hoping this elevation shenanigans makes me stronger, and soon. 

July 3, 2017 - My morning felt like biking through water as my tired legs battled uphill in a consistent headwind. Neither the wind or my legs changed for the afternoon, but the variable terrain somehow buoyed my spirits and contributed to a lovely afternoon ride. The day's scenery changed from dry mountains with some trees, lots of grass, and beautiful flowers along the roadside; to northern tundraesque rolling hills. After dinner, my legs got a second wind and told me that as long as I could convince myself to stay in the saddle, they would keep spinning. And they did for a 164km day, my third in a row with >2000 m gain, ending at 100 Mile House. My final descent into town was randomly accompanied by a 100 Mile House song (thank you shuffle) and visits to a campground, a Dairy Queen and a Tim Hortons, all in short succession. The campground had a discounted biking rate and I had my first glorious shower! I decided to have a Blizzard and I am sooo excited for a Timmies breakfast tomorrow. Other highlights include: the first turn of the trip (lol), the eventual end to the paved shoulder (boo), and a variation on the sleep setup featuring 1 bike 1 tree.

July 4, 2017 - I had a long day planned, so I woke up and hit it! And it hit me back! Long story short... I must finally admit I need new shoes as my feet seem to have grown from the hot Cali hiking. And when the limiting factor on my power to pedals is the wee bit of me connected to the pedal, riding doesn't feel so fun. So, rather than riding to join a lovely host north of Quesnel, I camped just south (featuring the two trees no rain setup, aka my favourite) deciding to get new shoes in the morning. I still managed to wince my way through 177kms of mountains to rejoin the mighty Fraser River Valley and a highlight was finding a fruit stand just north of Lac La Hache. Enjoyed some of the best peaches I think I have ever tasted! Great cell service and a few friendly phone calls helped me through the day... getting stoked on life with @jacqgrhm, being distracted up a big climb with @camillaloughlin, being reminded that I'm on vacation by Brent, having Jen laugh so hard at me that I couldn't help but laugh too, and appreciating a supportive life decisions discussion. with Mom. Here's looking forward to new shoes so this ride can be a bit more about muscle strength, endurance and scenery rather than pain tolerance.:p

July 5, 2017 - New shoes, new seat, and new me! After dragging myself the few remaining kms into Quesnel, I found a magical outdoor land which allowed me to: 1) replace my air mattress which has had a hole since the first night and needed to go die because it took up half a panier; 2) get a new seat because the nicest thing I have to say about the old one is that it matched perfectly and together it and I have been through a lot; and 3) GET NEW SHOES. My new shoes look like skateboard shoes, do not seem super durable, but... they fit. After way too long in the store faffing with cleats and seats, I finally hit the road for a shockingly lovely ride. Wow biking is fun! A little tire incident slowed me down but that is life, and I fixed it!! If I had made PG, I would have had a lovely bed to lay my head, but my late start sent me camping in the woods by the mighty Fraser River. A good half-day on the bike = 122 kms through really gorgeous farmland and forests.

July 6, 2017 - I hit the road, hit a fantastic grocery store in Prince George, and hit construction. Road crews are doing lots of highway sealing, which seems great, but is really, really annoying for bikers. It leaves small ridges covered in sand across the shoulder - effectively slowing you down until you almost fall over as you lose all momentum bumps - thanksss. One construction worker in particular deserves my thanks though - he spied my hot sweaty self and turned on the dust control water sprayer as I passed by,  thoroughly dousing me in water - cooling me off marvelously in the 30+ degree heat (the roads are like elongated ovens when it's hot and sunny all day long). Shortly after this, I met a gentleman touring with his dog who was quite excited to see me and to lick the salt off my face. I also passed through the apparent geographical centre of BC, and enjoyed some A&W cuisine with a few locals. Road note of the day: there are funny black birds that, when I bike by their territory, follow me tweeting angrily for several minutes - no attacks yet, so no complaints. Other wildlife sighted included my first cuddly black bear crossing the road and a black, mink-like animal. Uing every moment of available daylight, I made it to a free campground at Swan Lake and retired for a much needed night's rest.

July 7, 2017 - More than1000 kms biked! Some headwind savagery kept me in low gear basically all day as I rolled by lakes and through a total of 2 small 'towns' in my 151 km push towards Smithers. These small towns typically don't afford much choice in the way of food, but I really do enjoy their quality gas station nibbles and water bottle refills. The day's heat created some afternoon thunderstorms, but fortunately they created more awesome cloud formations than raindrops on my head. Funny from the road today: blackflies draft. Actually though, they hang out in my little wind bubble looking for not moving, exposed skin until I give them a whack. At that point, they either manage to re-enter my jet stream, or are lost to the wind. One made contact though, and I think this is the first time I've killed a black fly bigger than me (haahaa). At the end of day, the highway was longer than the day and I set up camp. I will make the final push to a bit of rest and indoor comfort tomorrow.

July 8, 2017 - I meandered the 67kms to Smithers through mountains which have finally returned to the horizon!!! I also passed by the world's largest fly fishing reel (so it begins #worldslargest). Today is a rest day, which I was all stoked to spend with Camilla, but she's busy making BC stop burning, so her Mom and I hung out instead. Smithers is lovely, Camilla's washing machine was put to good use, and my bike got a new chain (again). I found some up-right strolling time, some non-gas station food, and a new book. Cheers from the interior of a house!?!?

July 9, 2017 - Ended up doing a triathlon for my rest day... Camilla had a free entry from winning her last triathlon, and since she was busy, I couldn't let the entry and the amazing meal go to waste - especially not when thunderstorms were forecasted. I went in circles during the 1.5 km swim, moved at a reasonable speed on the touring bike, and managed to run 10kms in my bike shoes in about an hour. Total time was about half an hour slower than my time from last year, but I felt pretty hilariously alright. The meal at the end was delicious and it was fun to make new friends. I said goodbye to Camilla's Mom, and am planning a quiet evening indoors stretching, route planning and reading. 'Rested' and ready for the road tomorrow!

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