To the coast

May 2 - 6: To the coast 

Well I'm off, like a herd of turtles as my parents like to say. The first few days have been quite literally, a mix of ups and downs, but I have made it through what is likely (definitely) going to be the worst of the weather, through Washington, and to the coast! Being on the bike has been fun and feels great, I really, really do like to ride, and getting to do that kind of all day everyday has been a dream come true. Below are little updates from each day and a few photos - enjoy!

Tuesday, May 2. After some last minute bike repairs, I finalyyyyy got on my bike and headed South! They let me through the peace arch, and 92 kms later, made it to Benji in Bellingham!

Wednesday, May 3. Made it to Seattle!!!! 199kms later, I hit Seattle after probably 100kms on super magical but hard to follow urban bike routes. Big thanks to the Currie family for the lovely spot to rest my head and fill my belly!

Thursday, May 4. Today was a doozy! Long story short... I managed to bike into a severe thunderstorm. Who finds a severe thunderstorm on the west coast of Washington? After starting the morning with an actually enjoyable 3 hrs with Verizon, I zoomed through downtown and industrial Seattle in hot, glorious sunshine. By 4 pm, the clouds rolled in and I got stubborn (read stupid) and started hacking through one wave of thunderstorms after another. Bridges were fantastic refuges from the worst downpours, but as the afternoon continued, the road shoulders became littered with branches. A big branch sent me flying, but only surficial damage done - wear a helmet kids. After 137 kms for the day and less than 10 kms from my destination, I decided the dark + torrential rain + a wrong turn + two missed calls from the fantastic Rachel's Mom meant I should return those calls and get a ride in. Gratitude to the kind lady who let me drip in her front entrance, Rachel's parents Chris and Sally for being amazing and driving me past the downed powerlines to a warm bed, the magic of people helping me get a working cell phone, good timing, luck and really, really, reallyyyyy good gummy worms. @ Olympia, Washington

Friday, May 5. Hullo Oregon! 4 days and 576 kms later, I made it to Portland and the welcoming arms and beautiful house of Abby! Morning started with an early morning 30 mile boost out of the storm debris - I can bike in most types of weather, but I can't quite send my loaded touring bike over logs and come out okay. I got dropped at a gas station (ironic) and I sat outside, charged my phone, ate fritos and watched the sun come up. The rest of the day was spent in rotating sunshine, rain and hail, but overall, no complaints. Highlight was heading over the Columbia on a bridge not super built for bikes... tried to tell my legs that shaking does not help avoid the killer rocks and logging debris scattered on the shoulder... but they didn't listen too well. And then Portland! Talk about a bike city! As my bike was in worse shape than me from the crash, I brought it to my friends at River City Bikes and they HOOKED IT UP! 10/10 would recommend. Abby and I then celebrated Cinco De Mayo with some solidly built and delicious burritos, and tasty Salt and Straw ice cream before bed. Thank you Abby-queen-of-Portland and River City savers of bikes and dreams!!!:) @ Portland, Oregon

Saturday, May 6. Portland magic kept me enthralled for the morning, and I got a relaxed start to the 146 km day. Today's scenery was Portland, vineyards, farmland, rolling coastal hills and then... the coast! The day was a sunny, windyyyyyyy one, and I enjoyed the company of another coastal bound biker for a bit, and a dollar donation from a supportive?? stranger before arriving in Lincoln City and the hospitality of Marcus - thank you and good luck on your upcoming trip!!!!!! @ Lincoln City, Oregon

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